Dr. Alfredo Lloreda

Begin Your Journey

Dr. Alfredo Lloreda is a board-certified plastic surgeon that specializes exclusively in breast & body plastic surgery and non-surgical rejuvenation. He completed his medical degree, graduating with high honors, at Ross University School of Medicine. After medical school, Dr. Lloreda spent a year helping underserved communities in the Caribbean and teaching anatomy, suturing techniques, clinical medicine, and high-fidelity simulation to medical students.

Dr. Lloreda then completed a 5-year General Surgery Residency in Miami, focusing on major traumatic wound reconstruction and burn surgery, followed by a 3-year Plastic & Reconstructive surgery fellowship at world-renowned Cleveland Clinic Florida. He pursued an aesthetic fellowship through the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at the Williams Center alongside Dr. Alain Polynice.  

How Long Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

In order to explain the longevity of the results of a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), it’s important to understand what the surgery is, how it’s performed, and the factors that impact how long the results can last. The Brazilian butt lift is actually not a lift at all — but rather a technique that transfers…

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Is BBL Surgery Safe?

Popularity surrounding the Brazilian butt lift surgery has soared in the past decade as the procedure can produce a more ample posterior and desirable curves. Since 2015, the number of Brazilian butt lifts (BBL) performed globally has grown by 78%, according to a survey by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Brazilian butt lift…

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How to Prepare & Recover from Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy and welcoming a newborn can be one of the happiest times for a family. But pregnancy and childbirth can cause loose skin, stretch marks, muscle separation, sagging breasts, and fat that just won’t go away. Mommy makeover surgery is a complete body transformation that addresses the specific problem areas of each woman, working to…

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Could Liposuction Be The Weight Loss Solution For You?

Too Much Turkey This Thanksgiving? Could Liposuction Be The Weight Loss Solution For You? Liposuction continues to be one of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery with over 300,000 liposuction cases being done in 2018 Here are the top 5 most common questions I get asked about liposuction… 1- Who is an ideal candidate…

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Fat Transfer for More Beautiful Breasts? Yes!

Dr. Alain Polynice Implant-free, fat transfer breast augmentation technique expertly performed by Dr. Alain Polynice If you are looking for a natural breast augmentation we can help you here at the Williams Center for Plastic Surgery. Micro-fat grafting is an implant-free, fat transfer breast augmentation technique expertly performed by Dr. Alain Polynice. Fat transfer breast augmentation uses liposuction to…

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Sculpting Your Abs for the Summer the “Easy” Way!

You’ve been working on sculpting your abs since the winter but aren’t getting any results. Now that summer’s here, you’re a bit upset that you’re not ready to show off your six-pack abs or flatter stomach on the beach. There are easier and more effective ways to get a flatter, more toned looking tummy. It…

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When Is Liposuction a Good Idea?

Liposuction might be one of the  most popular plastic surgery options. But, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t still a lot of misinformation out there about it. For example, a lot of the misconceptions about the fat removal procedure center on who it is meant for. While liposuction isn’t the best choice for everyone, there…

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FAB is Exactly That – Fabulous!

Floating Abdominoplasty (FAB) Offers Less Invasive Treatment with Exceptional Results Women who have given birth to one or more children may notice a number of physical changes in their bodies that often prove resistant to diet and exercise. The growing baby stretches the skin and muscle beyond capacity, and this can create a deflated appearance…

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Dispelling Myths about Body Plastic Surgery

Consisting of equal parts of art and science, elective plastic surgery procedures may not be medically necessary but they are capable of improving an individual’s self-esteem, which is a benefit traditional medicine will not often provide. Since the advent of cosmetic procedures, the world of plastics has expanded a great deal. Developments in science, coupled…

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