Breast Augmentation Options

Schedule a Consultation


For many women, feeling confident, alive and vibrant goes hand in hand with looking their best. For thousands of women, achieving such confidence and personal satisfaction has come from choosing breast augmentation. Following their procedure, many women have gone on to experience a transformation in how they feel about themselves and their bodies.

There are many reasons women choose breast augmentation. Some of them include:

  • Enlarging their breast to make their bodies more proportional
  • Reshaping and enlarging breast that have lost their shape due to breast-feeding
  • Balancing breasts that differ in size or shape

Your reasons are unique and very personal, and your decisions about breast augmentation should be made by you and your physician based on your personal needs, desires and expectations.

Today there are many options available for women who decide breast augmentation is right for them.

This brochure is designed to help you understand these options so that , together with your physician, you can make the choices that are right for you.


Selecting a physician

As with any surgery, the single most important factor in achieving the results you desire is selection the best physician for your breast augmentation procedure. Choosing the right surgeon is a responsibility that you shouldn’t take lightly. Never let yourself be pressured into making fast decisions. Instead, take as much time as you need to do your own research and check a surgeon’s training and experience.

In addition to medical experience, you should consider physicians’ personal communication skills as well. Make sure they take the time to answer your questions and that they speak to you in a patient, respectful manner that makes you feel comfortable. You’ll also be spending a lot of time interacting with your physician’s staff, so you’ll want to make sure you feel comfortable with them.

There are many ways to find qualified physician. Referrals from friends or family members who’ve had breast augmentation is always a great way to start. Through our web site, mentor provides a list of qualified physicians who can help you with your search. In addition, you may also contact a number of respected professional organizations, such as

  • The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASA)
  • The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS)
  • The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons (AACS)
  • Your local medical society

Questions to Ask About a Physician’s Experience

When selecting the best physician, you should feel free to have initial consultations with several surgeons before making a decision. During your initial confutation, asking the following questions will help you learn important information about their surgical training and experience.

  • How many breast augmentation or reconstruction implantation procedures does the surgeon perform each year?
  • For how many years has the surgeon performed breast implant procedures?
  • Is the surgeon board certified? If so, by what board?
  • In what state is the surgeon licensed to practice surgery? Keep in mind that some states provide information to prospective patients about a surgeon’s history that includes disciplinary action and malpractice claims and settlements. This information can be obtained by request or found on the internet.
  • What is the most common complication the surgeon encounters with breast implantation?
  • What is the surgeon’s reoperation rate with breast implantation, and what type of reoperation performed by the surgeon is the most common?

Questions to ask about the Breast Augmentation Procedure

In addition to learning about a physician’s training and experience, you’ll also want to gain a better understanding of breast augmentation. The following are questions you should have physicians answer during your initial consultation.

  • What are the risks and complications associated with having breast implants?
  • How many operations on my implanted breast(s) can I expect in one lifetime?
  • How will my breasts look if I choose to have the implants removed without replacements?
  • What shape, size, surface texturing, incision site and placement site are recommended for me?
  • How will my ability to breast-feed be affected?
  • How can I expect my implanted breasts to look over time?
  • How can I expect my implanted breasts to look after pregnancy or after breast-feeding?
  • What are my options if I’m dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome of my implanted breasts?
  • What alternated procedures or products are available if I choose not to have breast implants?
  • Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for each procedure and what results are reasonable for me?

After you’ve had initial consultations with all the physicians on your list and your questions answered, take your time and choose the surgeon you feel most comfortable with and believe is the best match for you.


Breast augmentation is normally performed using one of three common incision sites; around the nipple (periareiolar), within the breast fold (inframammary), or under the arm (axillary).

  • Periareolar – This incision offers the benefit of being the most concealed. However, it is associated with a higher likelihood of inability to breast-feed.
  • Inframammary – This incision is very popular because it is concealed in the skin fold below the breast, and it is less likely to interfere with breast-feeding.
  • Axillary – This incision is concealed under the arm and can be a good option for women who do not want any scars on their breasts. It’s also less likely to interfere with breast feeding.
  • Umbilical/Endoscopic – This incision has not been studied and is not recommended.

Your doctor will explain each incision choice to you in greater detail and help you make a decision that is right for you.


During a breast augmentation procedure, the implants will either be placed under the chest muscle (submuscular) or on top of the muscle and under the breast glands (subglandular).

  • Submuscular placement – may reduce the chances of your implants being felt through the skin, and it may help reduce the chance of car tissue hardening around your implants, called capsular contracture. Submuscular placement also will make it easier to image your breast during a mammogram. Possible disadvantages of this placement choice may be a longer surgery and recovery period and difficulty performing some re-operation procedures.
  • Subglandular placement – can make your augmentation surgery shorter and reduce your recovery time. It may also be easier to perform a reoperation. A possible disadvantage could be having your implant edges more visibly noticeable under your skin. This placement choice may also increase the chances of capsular contracture and make it more difficult to image your breast during a mammogram.

Your doctor can talk with you about how both options relate to your individual needs, so that you can make a decision about which placement is right for you.


During a breast augmentation procedure, the implants will either be placed under the chest muscle (submuscular) or on top of the muscle and under the breast glands (subglandular)

Incision and placement choices

  • Submuscular placement – may reduce the chances of your implants being felt through the skin, and it may help reduce the chance of scar tissue hardening around your implants, called capsular contracture. Submuscular placement also will make it easier t image your breast during a mammogram. Possible disadvantages of this placement choice may be a longer surgery and recovery period and difficulty performing some re-operation procedures.
  • Subglandular placement – can make your augmentation surgery shorter and reduce your recovery time. It may also be easier to perform a repoeration. A possible disadvantage could be having your implant edges more visibly noticeable under your skin. This placement choice may also increase the chances of capsular contracture and make it more difficult to image your breast during a mammogram.

Your doctor can talk with you about how both options relate to your individual needs, so that you can make a decision about which placement is right for you.

Types of Breast Implants

For over 20 years Mentor has bee recognized worked wide as a leading manufacturer of the highest quality saline-filled breast implants. Our rich history is filled with industry firsts, innovative product designed and groundbreaking research.

While other manufacturers have come and gone, Mentor has a record of continually production leading edge breast augmentation products that meet or exceed rigid quality and testing standards.

Saline-Filled Breast Implants

To meet your specific needs and desires, Mentor saline-filled breast implants come in a variety of shapes, sizes, profiles and surface textures. They are all filled with a saltwater solution that is similar to the fluid that makes up most of the human body. Saline implants are inserted into the body without fluid, and then filled during surgery through a fill tube. When the fill tube is removed, the implant automatically seals itself.

Implant Surfaces

Saline-filled implants are available with either a smooth or textured surface. Currently, smooth-surfaced saline-filled breast implants are the most popular choice among women and physicians. Smooth implants are less likely than textured implants to be felt, or palpable, through the skin.

Additional factors, such as implant placement, size and the amount of skin and tissue coverage over an implant could influence how palpable it is. For example, implants placed subglandularly (above the chest muscle) tend to be more palpable than implants placed submuscularly (below the chest muscle).

Mentor’s textured breast implant surface is called Siltex®. It was originally designed to help reduce capsular contracture, which is the hardening of scar tissue around an implant. However, clinical studies involving women with Mentor breast implants reveal no difference between textured- and smooth-surfaced implants when measuring the likelihood of developing capsular contracture.

Your physician can help you decide which implant surface is most appropriate for you.

Implant shapes and profiles

Depending on the new breast shape you’d like to achieve, you and your physician may choose a round or contoured implant.

Round implants are the most popular choice, are available in both moderate and high profile styles. Moderate profile implants offer a full, rounded shape. High profile implants provide greater forward projection for a or prominent silhouette in a narrower chest area.

Contouring implants provide a more mature, sloped breast shape, and they come in moderate and high profile styles. However, it’s important to know that when contoured implants are placed beneath the chest muscle, they may assume a round shape.

Together with your physician, you can decide which implant shape and profile is right fir you.

Implant Size

When considering breast augmentation, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is implant size. Your physician can provide you with guidance about having realistic expectations and how you might look with the implant size you choose. To help you visualize your new breast size, your physician may show you before and after photos or ask you to try on a bra with implants. It’s important to remember that your final result will be influenced by two main factors:

  1. The size, shape and profile of the implant you choose
  2. The amount of existing breast tissue you have prior to augmentation

In general, the larger you want your cup size to be the larger the breast implant you and your surgeon will want to consider. To help you better understand size, it helps to know that breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters or cc’s. For example a 300 cc implant is larger than a 250 cc implant.

Your physician will evaluate your existing breast tissue to make sure you have a sufficient amount to cover the breast implant. If you want a breast implant size that’s too large for your existing tissue, your physician may warn you that the breast implant edges may be noticeable at the surface of your skin after surgery.

Using an implant that’s too large for your existing tissue also can lead to other surgical complications. In addition, using large breast implants can speed up the natural effects of gravity on your body and cause your breasts to prematurely droop or sag.

Mentor Spectrum® Adjustable Implant

For many women, selecting the breast size they want is understandably the most difficult part of choosing implants. To help make this process easier, Mentor offers its innovative line of Spectrum® breast implants.

Spectrum® implants are the only postoperatively adjustable saline-filled breast implants that enable your physician to adjust the size of our implants for up to six months after your procedure.

Your surgery

Breast augmentation procedures are usually performed in a hospital room or surgery center. You normally can go home the same day as your surgery. General anesthesia is typically used although local anesthesia may be an option.

The surgery usually lasts one to two hours. Your doctor will make an incision and form a pocket in which the breast implant is placed. When the implant is in its proper position, the incision will be closed with stitches and possible taped.

To achieve the best results and to make your recovery as quick as possible, your surgeon will discuss with you specific surgical techniques that are best suited for your needs.

Your Recovery

Every woman’s recovery is different in general; you will probably feel a little sore and tired for several days following your surgery. The first 24 to 72 hours after your procedure is when you will experience the most discomfort. However, your breasts may remain swollen and tender for a month or longer. You should avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks, but it is likely that your surgeon will allow you to resume light activities after about one week and return to work within a few days.

Part of your recovery may involve wearing a postoperative bra or compression garment. These are designed to provide you with extra support and positioning while you heal. Your doctor also may have other specific suggestions for you to follow based on your individual needs. If any problems occur after your breast implant surgery, contact your physician immediately.

Product Replacement and Warranty

To give you peace of mind, Mentor makes a lifetime commitment to support you and stand behind our products but offering our Mentor Advantage Limited Warranty. This warranty includes 1) a lifetime guaranteed product replacement policy and 2) our Standard ad Enhanced Advantage financial assistance programs. Your surgeon will provide you with a copy of the brochure outlining the benefits. However, it is not intended to replace any discussion between you and your physician. Prior to your surgery, your physician should:

  • Explain the Mentor Advantage Limited Warranty for saline-filled and silicone gel-filled breast implants to you in complete detail.
  • Provide you with a copy of the policy.
  • Advise you about possible risks and complications associated with breast implant surgery, including deflation.


You must be 18 years old to undergo breast augmentation surgery. To receive a detailed explanation about the benefits and risks associated with saline-fill breast implants, please read Mentor’s Making An Informed Decision brochure before you decide to have breast augmentation. This brochure can be found on our web site at

It’s important that you understand breast implants are not considered lifetime devices. It’s likely you will have to undergo implant removal (with or without replacement) at some point during your life.

Should you decide against having breast augmentation surgery, you have the option of accepting the look of your breast as they are, or wearing a padded bra or external prosthesis.

Breast Augmentation Resources

At your request, you’ll be provided with a copy of the Direction For Use document, which is included as an insert in the breast implant packaging your physician receives. Please ask Mentor or your physician for a copy.

When you have breast augmentation surgery, your physician will give you a saline implant identification card that lists your breast implants’ style and reference number. This is an important document that should be kept in a secure file with other personal documents.

The following list of resources may help you obtain additional information so you can make an informed decision about breast augmentation.

Contact Allergan……………………………. 1-800-433-8871

American Society of Plastic Surgeons …………. 180-635-0635

Food and Drug Administration ………………. 1-888-INFO-FDA

Institute of Medicine Findings ……………….. 1-888-624-8373

Mentor Corporation ………………………… 1-800-MENTOR-8

Mentor’s saline-filled breast implants have been demonstrated to be effective for augmentation patients in a prospective 36-month study of 1,264 patients. In addition to an increase in bra cup size reported by 96% of patients, other statistically significant implant surgery benefits were demonstrated, as described below.

  • Increase satisfaction with breast size, shape and firmness (following augmentation, 80%-90% of patients reported satisfaction).
  • Increased comfort with appearance ( following augmentation, (0% of patients were somewhat or very comfortable with the appearance of their breasts while alone or with their partner, as compared to 10% prior to augmentation).
  • Increase satisfaction with physical appearance.
  • Improved self-esteem.

complications, preautions and warnigns for saline-filled breast implants

saline-filled and Spectrum® mammary prostheses

Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

device descripion

A breast implant is a sac (implant shell) of silicone elastomer (rubber), which is surgically implanted under your chest tissues and then filled with saline, a saltwater solution, through a valve.

Are you eligible for a saline-filled breast implants?

Implants are to be used for females for the following indications (procedures);

  • Breast Augmentation – This procedure is done to increase the size and proportions of a woman’s breasts. A woman must be at least 18 years old for breast augmentation.

what are important factors for you to consider when deciding to have saline-filled implants?

  • Whether you are undergoing augmentation or reconstruction, be aware that breast implantation may not be a one-time surgery. You are likely to need additional surgery and surgeon visits over the course of your life.
  • Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices. You will likely undergo implant removal with or without replacement over the course of your life
  • Many of the changes to our breast following implantation are irreversible (cannot be undone). If you later choose to have your implant(s) removed, you may experience unacceptable dimpling, puckering, wrinkling or other cosmetic changes of the breasts.
  • Breast implants may affect your ability to produce milk for breast-feeding. Also, breast implants will not prevent your breast from sagging after pregnancy.
  • With breast implants, routine screening mammography will be more difficult, and you will need to have additional views, which means more time and radiation.
  • For patients who have undergone breast implantation either as a cosmetic or a reconstructive procedure, health insurance premiums may increase, coverage may be dropped and/or future coverage may be denied. Treatment of complications may not be covered as well. You should check with your insurance company regarding these coverage issues.

Augmentation – insurance does not cover breast augmentation and may not cover reoperation (additional surgery) and additional surgeon’s visits following augmentation.

Who is not eligible for breast implants?

Implants are not to be used for

  • Women with existing malignant or pre-malignant cancer of your breast without adequate treatment
  • Women with active infection anywhere in your body
  • Augmentation in women who are currently pregnant or nursing

What are contraindications, warnings and precautions for you to consider?

Surgical practices that are contraindicated in breast implantation because they may damage the shell and cause deflation/rupture:

  • Placement of drugs/substances inside the implant other than sterile saline
  • Any contact of the implant with Betadine®
  • Injection through implant shell
  • Alternation of the implant
  • Stacking of implants: more than one implant per breast or breast pocket

Safety and effectiveness have not been established in patients with the following conditions:

  • Autoimmune diseases such as lupus and scleroderma
  • Conditions that interfere with wound healing and blood clotting
  • A weakened immune system (for example, currently receiving immunosuppressive therapy)
  • Reduced blood supply to breast tissue

Further consideration:

  • Preimplantation Mammography – you may wish to undergo a preoperative mammogram and another one 6 months to 1 year after implantation to establish a baseline
  • Interference with Mammography – the implant may interfere with finding breast cancer during mammography and also may make it difficult to perform a mammography. Therefore, it is essential that you tell your mammography technologist that you have an implant before the procedure. The technologist can use special techniques to minimize the possibility of rupture and to get the best possible views of the breast tissue. Because the breast is squeezed during mammography, it is possible for an implant to rupture during procedure. More x-ray views are necessary with these special techniques: therefore, women with breast implants will receive more radiation however; the benefit of the mammogram in finding cancer outweighs the risk of the additional x-rays.
  • Distinguishing the Implant from Breast Tissue during breast self-examination – you should perform a breast self-examination monthly on your implanted breast. In order t do this effectively, you should ask your surgeon to help you distinguish the implant from your breast tissue. An new lumps should be evaluated with a biopsy. If a biopsy is performed, care must be taken to avoid puncturing the implant.
  • Long-Term Effects – the long-term safety ad effectiveness of breast implants have not been studied; however, Mentor is monitoring the long-term (i.e., 10-year) chance of implant rupture, repoeration, implant removal and capsular contracture (hardening of the tissues around the implant). Mentor is also conducting mechanical testing to assess the long-term likelihood of implant rupture. Mentor will update this brochure with this information and time frames later.
  • Capsule Procedures – you should be aware that closed capsultomy, the practice of forcible squeezing or pressing on the fibrous capsule around the implant to break the scar capsule, is not recommended, as this may result in breakage of the implant.

What are potential breast implant complications?

Undergoing any surgical procedure may involve the risk of complications such as the effects of anesthesia, infection, swelling, redness bleeding, and pain. In addition, there are potential complications specific to breast implants. These complications include:

  • Deflation/Rupture – Breast implants deflate when the saline solution leaks either through an unsealed or damaged valve or through a break in the implant shell. Implant deflation can occur immediately or slowly over a period of days and is noticed by loss of size or shape of your breast. Some implants deflate (or rupture) in the first few months after being implanted and some deflate after several years. Causes of deflation include damage by surgical instruments during surgery, overfilling or under filling of the implant with saline solution capsular contracture, closed capsulotomy, stresses such as trauma or intense physical manipulation, excessive compression during mammographic imaging, umbilical incision placement, and unknown/unexplained reasons. You should also be aware that the breast implant may wear out over time and deflate or rupture. Deflated implants require additional surgery to remove and to possibly replace the implant
  • Capsular contracture – the scar tissue or capsule that normally forms around the implant may tighten and squeeze the implant and is called capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is more common following infection, hematoma and seroma. It is also more common with subglandular placement (behind the mammary gland and on top of the chest muscle). Symptoms range from mild firmness and mild discomfort to severe pain, distorted shape, palpability of the implant and/or movement of the implant.

Additional surgery is needed in cases where pain and/or firmness are severe. This surgery ranges form removal of the implant capsule tissue to removal and possible replacement of the implant itself. Capsular contracture may happen again after these additional surgeries.

  • Pain – pain of varying intensity and duration may occur and persist following breast implant surgery. In addition, improper size, placement, surgical technique or capsular contracture may result in pain associated with nerve entrapment or interference with muscle motion. You should tell your surgeon about severe pain.
  • Additional Surgeries – you should understand there is a high chance that you will need to have additional surgery at some point to replace or remove the implant. Also, problems such as deflation, capsular contracture, infection, shifting and calcium deposits can require removal of the implants. May women decide to have the implant replaced, but some women do not. If you choose not to, you may have cosmetically unacceptable dimpling and /or puckering of the breast following removal of the implant.
  • Dissatisfaction with Cosmetic results – Dissatisfying results such as wrinkling, asymmetry, implant displacement (shifting), incorrect size, unanticipated shape, implant palpability, scar deformity, hypertrophic (irregular, raised scar) scarring and /or sloshing may occur. Careful surgical planning and technique can minimize but not always prevent such results.
  • Infection – Infection can occur with any surgery. Most infections resulting from surgery appear within a few days to weeks after the operation. However, infection is possible at any time after surgery. Infections with an implant present are harder to treat than infections in normal body tissues. If an infection does not respond to antibiotics, the implant may have to be removed, and another implant may be placed after the infection is resolved.

In rare instances, toxic shock syndrome had been noted in women after breast implant surgery, and it is a life-threatening condition. Symptoms include sudden fever, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, dizziness and /or sunburn-like rash. A doctor should be seen immediately for diagnosis and treatment for this condition.

  • Hematoma/Seroma – Hematoma is a collection of blood inside a body cavity, and a seroma is a collection of the watery portion of the blood (in this case, around the implant or around the incision). Postoperative hematoma and seroma may contribute to infection and /or capsular contracture. Swelling, pain and bruising may result. If a hematoma occurs, it will usually be soon after surgery. However, this can also occur at any time after injury to the breast. While the body absorbs small hematomas and seromas, large ones will require the placement of surgical drains for proper healing. A small scar can result from surgical draining. Implant deflation/rupture can occur from surgical draining if damage to the implant occurs during the draining procedure
  • Changes in Nipple and Breast Sensation – Feeling in the nipple and breast can increase or decrease after implant surgery. The range of changes varies for intense sensitivity to no feeling in the nipple or breast following surgery. Changes in feeling can be temporary or permanent and may affect your sexual response or your ability to nurse a baby.
  • Breast-Feeding – At this time it is not known if a small amount of silicone may diffuse (pas through) from the saline-filled breast implant silicone shell and may find it way into breast milk. If this occurs, it is not known what effect in may have on the nursing infant. Although there are no current methods for detecting silicone levels in breast milk, a study measuring silicon (one component in silicone) levels did not indicate higher levels in breast milk from women with silicone-filled gel implants when compared to women with implants.

With respect to the ability to successfully breast-feed after breast implantation, one study reported up to 64% of women with implants who were unable to breast-feed compared to 7% without implants. The periareolar incision site may significantly reduce the ability to successfully breast-feed.

– Calcium Deposits in the Tissue Around the Implant – Deposits of calcium can be seen on mammograms and can be mistaken for possible cancer, resulting in additional surgery for biopsy and/or removal of the implant to distinguish calcium deposits for cancer.

– Delayed Wound Healing – In some instances, the incision site takes longer to heal than normal.

– Extrusion – Unstable or compromised tissue covering and/or interruption of wound healing may result in extrusion, which is when the breast implant comes through the skin.

– Necrosis – Necrosis is the formation of dead tissue around the implant. This may prevent wound healing and require surgical correction and/or implant removal. Permanent scar deformity may occur following necrosis. Factors associated with increased necrosis include infection, use of steroids in the surgical pocket, smoking, chemotherapy/radiation, and excessive heat or cold therapy.

– Breast Tissue Atrophy/Chest Wall Deformity – the pressure of the breast implant may cause the breast tissue to thin out and shrink. This can occur while implants are still place or following implant removal without replacement.

In addition to these common complications, there have bee concerns with rarer diseases, of which you should be aware:

  • Connective Tissue Disease – concern over the association of breast implants to the development of autoimmune or connective tissue diseases; such as lupus, scleroderma, or rheumatoid arthritis, was raised because of cases reported in the literature of small numbers of women with implants. A review of several large epidemiological studies of women with and without implants indicates that these diseases are no more common in women with implants that hose in women without implants. However, a lot of women with breast implants believe that their implants caused a connective tissue disease.
  • Cancer – Published studies indicate that breast cancer is no more common in women with implants than those with out implants.
  • Second Generation Effects – There have been concerns raised regarding potential damaging effects on children born of mothers with implants. A review of published literature on this issue suggests that the information is insufficient to draw definitive conclusions.

Mentor ‘s Clinical Studies

Although you will experience your own risks (complications) and benefits following breast implant surgery, this section describes the specific complications and benefits of Mentor’s saline-filled breast implants. Mentor’s clinical studies indicated, for example that while most women can expect to experience at least one complication at some point through 3 years after implant surgery, most women were satisfied with their implants. The studies also indicate that the chance of additional surgery is 1 in 8 for augmentation patients (with implant removal and replacement as the most common type of additionally surgery)

Description of Studies

Mentor conducted clinical testing of its saline-filled breast implants to determine the short-term and most common complications, as well as benefits, of their implants. These were assessed in the following studies:

  • The Large Simple Trial (LST)
  • Saline Prospective Study (SPS)

The LST was designed to determine the 1-year rates of capsular contracture, infection, deflation and implant removal. There were 2,066 augmentation patients and 215 revision patients enrolled. Of these enrolled patients, 47% returned for their 1-year visit.

The SPS was designed as a 3-year study to assess all complications with breast implants as well as patient satisfaction, body image and self-concept. Patients were followed annually and data through 3 years are available. The SPS enrolled 1,264 augmentation patients. Seventy-six (76%) percent of augmentation patients returned for their 3-year visit. The outcome if the patients lost to follow-up are not known. The SPS results in this brochure represent data trough 3 years.

After product approval, Mentor switched data collection to a post-approval study. The post-approval study involves the collection of some safety data from SPS patients through their 10-year post-implantation time-point. The data are collected from questionnaires that are mailed out to the patients each year. The post- approval data presented includes earlier data shown in the SPS tables with new information added to it. The 5-year post-approval data are shown in the “Augmentation Results from Post-approval Study� section below.

what were the 1-year complication Rates From The LST?

The table below shows the complication rates for augmentation and revision patients through 1 year. The rates reflect the number of patients out of 100 who experience the listed complication. For example, 5% or 5 out of 100 augmentation patients experienced capsular contracture at some time within 1 year after implantation. However, this does not mean that 5% of the patients still have capsular contracture at 1 year.

Complications 1-Year Complication Rate
Augmentation Revision
Capsular Contracture 5% 15%
Implant Removal 4% 6%


1% 2%
Infection 1% NA

Not Available or insufficient data to perform an analysis of risk of complication

Data on 47% of the 2385 patients enrolled in the study.


what were the 3-year complication rates from the SPS for augmentation patients?

The 3-year complication rates (including all levels of severity, form mild to severe) are shown from the most common to the least common in the table below. The rates reflect the number of augmentation patients out of 100 who experienced the listed complication at least once within the first 3 years after implantation. Some complications occurred more than once for some patients. The most common complication experienced within the first 3 years of implantation was wrinkling (21% or 21 out of 100)

Augmentation Complications 3-Year Complication Rate

N=1264 Patients

Wrinkling 21%
Additional Operation (Reoperation) 13%
Loss of Nipple Sensation 10%
Capsular Contracture III/IV or grade unknown 9%
Implant Removal 8%
Asymmetry 7%
Intense Nipple Sensation 5%
Breast Pain 5%
Leakage/Deflation 3%
Implant Palpability 2%
Infection 2%
Sagging 2%
Scarring 2%
Hematoma 2%

what were the types of additional surgical procedures performed for augmenation patinets?

The following table provides a breakdown of the types of surgical procedures that were performed through the 3 years after the initial implantation. There were a total of 358 additional surgical procedures performed in 147 augmentation patients. Of these 147 patients, most reported multiple additional surgical procedures during a single reoperation. The most common type of additional surgical procedure was implant removal with replacement (32% of the 358 procedures).

Types of Additional Surgical Treatment N=358 procedures
Implant Removal with Replacement 32%
Capsule Related 22%
Scar or Wound Revision 19%
Reposition Implant 8%
Saline Adjustment 8%
Mastopexy 6%
Implant Removal without Replacement 3%
Biopsy/Cyst Removal 2%
Breast Reduction or Mastectomy <1%
Nipple Related <1%
Total 100%

what were the reasons for implant removal for augmentation patients?

The main reasons for implant removal among augmentation patients in the SPS over the 3 years are shown in the table below. There were 137 implants removed in 87 patients. Of these 137 implants, 82% were replaced. The most common reason for implant removal was patient request for size or shape change (37% of the 137 implants removed).

Main Reason for Augmentation Implant Removal through 3 Yearsª N=137 implants removed
Patient Request for Size/Shape Change 37%
Leakage/Deflation 24%
Capsular Contracture 18%
Wrinkling 5%
Infection 5%
Asymmetry 4%
Hematoma/Seroma 2%
Sagging 2%
Scarring 2%
Cosmetic Revision 2%
Breast Cancer 1%
Total 100%

ª correction to some rates reported at 3 years. Total number of implants increased by 1.

what were the complication rates after implant preplaccement for augmentation patients?

There were 74 augmentation patients who had 120 implants removed and replaced with Mentor implants. The table below reflects the number of replaced implants (not patients) out of 100 implants associated with the listed complications within 3 years following replacement. For example, there was a reoperation in 16% or 16 out of 100 implants at some time within 3 years after replacement.

Complication Following Replacement

of Augmentation Implant

3-Year Complication Rate

N=120 implants

Additional Operations (Reoperation) 16%
Wrinkling 15%
Implant Removal 12%
Capsular Contracture III/IV or grade unknown 8%
Leakage/Deflation 4%
Asymmetry 4%
Breast Pain 3%
Hematoma 2%
Scarring 2%

what were the breast disease and ctd events in augmentation patients?

Breast disease and connective tissue disease (CTD) were reported in some patients through 3 years after implantation in the SPS. Although there were 1,264 augmentation patients enrolled in the SPS, not every patient returned for each follow-up visit. Therefore, the percentage of patients with these events cannot be determined. Only the number of events can be provided. New cases of breast cancer were reported in 2 augmentation patients.

The table below shows the number of reports of CTD through 3 years after implantation. Some patients may have reported more than one CTD. Confirmed reports were based on a diagnosis by a doctor. Unconfirmed reports were based on self-reports by the patients

Without a comparison group of women with similar characteristics (age, race, etc.) and without breast implants, no conclusion can be made about the relationship between breast implants and these breast disease and CTD events.

Number of Reports of CTD in AUGMENTATION patients in the SPS Study
Connective Tissue Disease No. of Confirmed Reports No. of Unconfrmed Reports
Osteoarthritis 1
Rheumatoid Arthritis 1 3
Arthritis (type unknown) 15
Lupus Erythematosus 1
Total 2 19ª

ª Two augmentation patients had two unconfirmed CTDs

what were the benefits from the sps for augnetation patients?

The SPS measured a variety of outcomes that assessed the benefits of the implants. For augmentation, these outcomes included breast size change, as well as satisfaction and comfort with appearance. These outcomes were assessed before implantation and at 3 years after surgery for those patients who still had their original implants.

For augmentation patients, 955 out of the original 1,264 patients (76%) still had implants and were in the study after 3 years. Of these 955 patients, 917 (96%) experienced an increase of a at least on cup size at 3 years; the average increase in chest circumference was 2.8 inches. Of the 955 patients still in the study, 860 (90%) indicated being satisfied with the general appearance of their breasts, as measured by the Breast Evaluation Questionnaire (BEQ).

Most augmentation patients who still had their original implants and were still in the study at 3 years exhibited and improvement in the two measured subscales of the Multidimensional Body-Self Relation Questionnaire (MBSRQ) (which measures comfort with your general appearance). The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (which measure self-concept) showed a slight increase at 3 years compared to before the implantation.

Augmentation 5-Year Complication Rate By Patient N=1264 7-Year Complication Rate By Patient N=1264
Reoperation 20% 25%
Implant Removal 14% 19%
Capsular Contracture III/IV or unknown 10% 11%
Implant Deflation 10% 16%
Breast Pain 7% 12%

The most common complication experienced through 5 years and 7 years of implantation was reoperation (20% or 20 patients out of 100 at 5 years, and 25% or 25 patients out of 100 at 7 years).

The reasons for reoperation through 3, 5 and 7 years are shown below. The reasons for reoperation at 3 years are included below because the original labeling only reported types of surgical procedures. While there may be some over lap of these two, they are different sets of data. An example of a type of additional surgical procedure is saline adjustment; an example of a reason for reoperation is infection. There were 343 reoperations performed in 198 patients through 5 years. There were 464 reoperations in 259 patients at 7 years. There may have bee multiple reasons for one reoperation; therefore, the percentages in the table below do not add up to 100%. The most common reason for reoperation through 5 years was patient request for size/shape change (29% of the 343 reoperations). The most common reason for reoperation through 7 years was leakage/deflation (28% of the 464 reoperations). Note that the percentages are smaller for some of the reasons for reoperation because the number of reoperations has gotten bigger.

Reason for Reoperationª 3 Years N=225 Reoperation 5 Year N=343 Reoperation 7 Year N=464 Reoperation
Patient Request for Size/Shape Change 33% 29% 24%
Capsular Contracture 19% 17% 15%
Leakage/Deflation³ 14% 19% 28%
Wrinkling 12% 11% 10%
Asymmetry 10% 8% 6%
Sagging 9% 9% 8%
Hypertrophyic Scarring 9% 6% 5%
Hematoma/Seroma 6% 4% 3%
Infection 5% 4% 3%
Cosmetic Revision 5% 4% 3%
Breast Mass/Tumor/ Cyst Excision/ or Biopsy 3% 4% 5%
Breast Pain 1% 1% 1%
Delayed Wound Healing 1% 1% <1%
Irritation/Inflammation 1% 1% <1%
Extrusion 1% 1% <1%
Lymphadenopathy <1% <1% <1%
Contralateral Replacement 0 3% 8%

ª If there was more than one reason reported per patient, all reasons are included in this table.

ª Includes reoperations where the reason for reoperations was not reported

The main reasons for implant removal through 5 years and 7 years are shown below. There were 324 implants removed in 191 patients at 7 years. The most common reason for removal through 7 years was leakage/deflation (38% of the 324 implants removed). Note that the percentages are smaller for some of the reasons for removal because the number of removals has gotten bigger.

Main Reason for Removal 5 Years, N=135

Implant Removed

7 Years, N=324

Implants Removed

Patient Request for Size/Style Change 30% 24%
Leakage/Deflationª 30% 39%
Capsular Contracture 15% 12%
Wrinkling 6% 6%
Contralateral Replacement 5% 10%
Infection 4% 2%
Asymmetry 3% 2%
Breast Mass or Cancer 2% 1%
Cosmetic Revision 2% 1%
Sagging 1% 1%
Hematoma/Seroma 1% 1%
Hypertropic Scarring 1% 1%

ª Includes aesthetic removals where the reason for the removal was not reported.

if you experience a problem, should you report it?

If you believe that you have experienced a serious problem(s) to the implants, you should have your health professional report the problem(s) to the FDA. You are encouraged to report any adverse events through their health professionals. Although reporting by physicians or other health professionals is preferred, women may also report any serious problem directly through the MedWatch voluntary reporting system. An adverse event is serious and should be reported when it results in an initial or prolonged hospitalization, disability, congenital anomaly or medical or surgical intervention.

This information reported to MedWatch is entered into databases to be used to follow safety trends (patterns) of a device and to determine whether further follow-up of any potential safety issues related to the device is needed.

To report, use MedWatch form 3500, which may be obtained through the FDA’s website at You may also call 1888-463-INFORFA (1-888-463-6332) from 10:10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, to receive an additional FDA Med Watch package. Keep a copy of the MedWatch from completed by your doctor for y our records.

About the Author: Dr. Edwin Williams

Dr. Edwin Williams is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who founded The Williams Center in 1993. He has performed over 10,000 facial plastic surgery procedures and has pioneered the deep plane facelift. He served on the Board of Directors for the American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery for over a decade, and served as President from 2015-2016. In 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, Dr. Williams earned the Castle Connelly Top Doctors award in New York Facial Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Edwin F. Williams III attended Cornell University in Ithaca, New York where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1982. He began medical school at the State University of Buffalo School of Medicine and received his Doctor of Medicine in 1986.

Dr. Williams is actively involved in teaching facial plastic and reconstruction surgery to the residents of the Albany Medical Center and is former Chief of the Section of Facial and Plastic Reconstruction Surgery at Albany Medical Center where he received an academic appointment of Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery.