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Blepharoplasty in Bethlehem, NY

What is a Blepharoplasty? Tired, sagging eyelids making you look older or fatigued? Patients from Bethlehem, NY, and the surrounding areas seek blepharoplasty to combat aging eyelids. Eyelid surgery rejuvenates by correcting droopy upper lids and under-eye bags, and removing or transferring fat, skin, and muscle for a refreshed look. Blepharoplasty targets the upper, lower,…

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How Much Does Eyelid Surgery Cost?

The estimated total cost for eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is approximately $7,000 to $11,000, depending on what type of eyelid surgery a patient wishes to have.  In the case of eyelid surgery, the cost depends on whether a patient is looking to have upper lid eyelid surgery, lower lid eyelid surgery, or a surgery to…

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When is a Blepharoplasty Medically Necessary?

A blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a procedure that removes excess skin, muscle, and/or fat from the eyelids. There are both cosmetic and functional reasons to have this surgery. A frequently asked question from patients is, “When is a blepharoplasty a medically necessary procedure?” The first aspect to consider is the motivation for seeking surgical…

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The Sliver Blepharoplasty Technique

Aging skin around the eyes can cause people to look older than their true age, and similarly it can result in a perpetual “tired” look. Blepharoplasty is the term given to the surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate the eyelids. Blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. There are several different…

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How To Handle Aging Wrinkles Caused By Facial Expressions

There are a lot of muscles in your face that create your facial expressions. If you’re excited, angry, surprised, frowning , or smiling, the muscles around your face contract in different ways to show what you’re feeling. The muscles around your eyes, mouth, and forehead tend to get the greatest workout because these areas are involved…

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