Blog in Albany, NY

Begin Your Journey

What is an Open vs Closed Rhinoplasty?

What is an Open vs Closed Rhinoplasty? You will see these terms, as well as others, used interchangeably to describe the approach a surgeon may take to operating on a nose. For example, the open approach is often described as an external approach and the closed approach is often described as an endonasal approach and…

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What do you do for a scooped or saddle nose?

How Can Rhinoplasty Fix the Bridge of the Nose? Many people consider rhinoplasty to fix problems with the bridge of their nose. In this case, a small change to the bridge of your nose can have a huge impact on your appearance.  Since the nose is the most prominent feature on the face, when it…

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Restoring Masculinity Through Facial Plastic Surgery

Humans are the most dominant, self-aware species on our planet, and while traditional gender roles are dissipating, the concept of masculinity will never fade. Boys make the transition to men during puberty, and their physical changes signify important biological traits. In some men, conventionally masculine traits appear undesirably feminized for a number of reasons. In…

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What Can a Nose Job do for You?

Formally referred to as rhinoplasty, nose job surgery is regarded as one of the most transformative facial plastic procedures a patient can undergo. The nose is nearly always visible and protrudes from the mostly level surface of the face. In is also situated in the mid-face region between the eyes and mouth, which people tend…

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