Blog in Albany, NY

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Nasal Reconstruction and Rhinoplasty

When thinking about nasal surgery, people can sometimes be confused by the terminology of certain procedures. In general, nasal reconstruction and rhinoplasty refer to two different procedures, with different goals, but there is some grey area between the terms. What is Nasal Reconstruction Nasal reconstruction is the term given to a surgery on the nose…

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How to Reduce Bruising After Facial Surgery

A fear of bruising can be a big source of apprehension when people are considering facial surgery or non-surgical cosmetic facial procedures. Fortunately there are things that can be done before, during, and after surgery to help minimize bruising. Prevention is perhaps the most important of these items, and one big part of that includes…

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Fixing A Botched Rhinoplasty

As a patient, getting a good rhinoplasty result depends on several factors, some of which are controllable and others are not. One of the most important factors is finding an experienced Albany rhinoplasty surgeon. This may be a difficult thing to find, especially in certain regions. The face is how we greet the world, and…

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What Is ProNox?

What Is ProNox? ProNox is a device that administers “laughing gas” in an inhaled mixture of 50% Oxygen and 50% Nitrous Oxide.  The device is used to reduce anxiety and discomfort during in-office procedures, and it can be used in conjunction with local anesthesia.  It is inhaled using a mouthpiece, delivered to the lungs, and…

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What is Facial Liposuction?

What is Facial Liposuction? As a facial plastic surgeon for over 25 years I am very familiar with procedures involving facial liposuction. And I find that many patients have question about this procedure which is generally referred to as facial contouring. Such patients are often asked most concerned with the areas under the chin and…

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What Is a Facelift?

As we age, we can develop what some would call “jowling”, “turkey neck”, or a “gobbler”.  All of these terms represent a sagging of the facial and neck skin as a result of time and gravity.  Facelift is a surgery that is designed to reduce this sagging skin, resulting in a sharp neckline and a…

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How to Keep Your Skin Safe in the Summer

Doctor-Approved Tips For Enjoying Summer Without Aging Your Skin Summer is here!  Time for hours of outdoor fun in the sun.  But the threat of premature aging of your skin (to say nothing of skin cancer) is lurking around every sunny corner.  We’re not trying to rain on your sunshine parade, but, a little protection…

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Anesthesia Options for Cosmetic Surgery

Rest Easy Sleeping Beauty.  Cosmetic Surgery is Truly Painless. Plastic Surgeon Dr. Williams Talks Anesthesia Options for Cosmetic Surgery Patients often ask what are my options for anesthesia.  The term anesthesia means a temporary loss of sensation or awareness.  So, the choice really depends on the procedure. In the 21st century I believe there is…

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What is an Open vs Closed Rhinoplasty?

What is an Open vs Closed Rhinoplasty? You will see these terms, as well as others, used interchangeably to describe the approach a surgeon may take to operating on a nose. For example, the open approach is often described as an external approach and the closed approach is often described as an endonasal approach and…

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What do you do for a scooped or saddle nose?

How Can Rhinoplasty Fix the Bridge of the Nose? Many people consider rhinoplasty to fix problems with the bridge of their nose. In this case, a small change to the bridge of your nose can have a huge impact on your appearance.  Since the nose is the most prominent feature on the face, when it…

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