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Fat Transfer to BreastsBefore & After Pictures
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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # LABD012 | Tummy Tuck w/ Liposuction, Bilateral Breast Lift w/ Small Reduction, Fat Transfers to Breasts Albany, Latham, Saratoga NY
- Gender: Female
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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # LFT01 | Fat Transfer To Breasts Albany, Latham, Saratoga NY
- Gender: Female
- Age: 29
This sweet 29-year-old from Derby, VT wanted help with a few ‘trouble areas’ particularly her ab... Read Full Story
This sweet 29-year-old from Derby, VT wanted help with a few ‘trouble areas’ particularly her abdomen and love handles as well as to have breasts that are slightly larger but natural. She did not want to have breast implants. We were able to help her achieve much better curves and breasts that filled out her bra better with liposuction and fat transfer to her breasts. No implants, all her own tissue!
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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # FT042 | Implant Removal w/ Fat Transfer to Breasts Albany, Latham, Saratoga NY
- Gender: Female
- Age: 51
This is a 51 year old woman who had a bilateral breast augmentation with me in 2014. At the time she... Read Full Story
This is a 51 year old woman who had a bilateral breast augmentation with me in 2014. At the time she had textured silicone implants placed under the muscle. Now that there is a correlation between textured implants and the possibility of Breast Implant Associated Acute Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) the decision was made to remove these implants. She wanted to restore some of the lost volume following removal of the implants but she didn't want to replace with new implants. She was a great candidate for implant removal with fat transfer to add volume. The implants were removed through her old incision in the fold under the breast and about 200cc of fat was added to each breast to restore volume. The fat was harvested from the back, the waist and the abdomen. Fat transfer is an excellent and safe technique to restore shape and volume in cases of implant exchanges or breast reconstruction. The photos taken at one year show a very nice, soft, long lasting result and she is very pleased.

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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # LFT01 | Implant Removal + Fat Grafting Albany, Latham, Saratoga NY
- Gender: Female
- Age: 48
Patient had a breast augmentation with implants 10 years ago and wanted to transition to not having ... Read Full Story
Patient had a breast augmentation with implants 10 years ago and wanted to transition to not having implants, rather using her own fat to have beautiful, natural, and enhanced breasts. We were able to help her by removing her implants and transferring fat to the breasts from her love handle areas and back. Also mention that the areas where the fat was taken also look great (aka added bonus)!

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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # LBL002 | Bilateral Breast Lift Albany, Latham, Saratoga NY
- Gender: Female
- Age: 37