Galleries by Procedure:
Gynecomastia Male BreastBefore & After Pictures

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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # GMB-01
- Gender: Male
- Age: 20 - 29
This is a 21 year old male concerned with excess male breast tissue known as gynecomastia. This pati... Read Full Story
This is a 21 year old male concerned with excess male breast tissue known as gynecomastia. This patient underwent a subcutaneous mastectomy to remove the extra glandular tissue. This was done with a small incision under the nipple areola. Results are about 3 months post-operative.

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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # GMB-02
- Gender: Male
- Age: 30 - 39
This is a 31 year old male with Gynecomastia of the right chest. The patient had a right subcutaineo... Read Full Story
This is a 31 year old male with Gynecomastia of the right chest. The patient had a right subcutaineous mastecomy to remove the excess breast tissue. He also had liposuction of the chest for shaping and contouring. Post operative results at 3 months show significant reduction in the right side of his chest.
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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # GMB-03
- Gender: Male
- Height: 5’7”
- Weight: 170 lbs
Post-op: 2 months.
26 year old male with bilateral Gynecomastia mostly on the right. Patient had pr... Read Full Story
Post-op: 2 months.
26 year old male with bilateral Gynecomastia mostly on the right. Patient had progressive growth of painful breast tissue over the post-op out 2 months after bilateral subcutaneous mastectomies for Gynecomastia. The procedure was done through a small incision around the areola.
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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # GMB-04
- Gender: Male
- Height: 6’2”
- Weight: 420 lbs
- Age: 40 - 49
This is a 40-year-old male who comes in with significant gynecomastia. The patient has grade 4 gynec... Read Full Story
This is a 40-year-old male who comes in with significant gynecomastia. The patient has grade 4 gynecomastia with very large pendulous breasts. He is 6'2" tall and weighs 420 pounds. He has had problems with large over developed breasts since puberty. This has impacted his life dramatically causing significant problems with social interactions and physical activity. In order to address his problem, the patient underwent bilateral complete mastectomies with free nipple grafting to reconstruct his nipple areolar complexes. This procedure involves removal of all of the existing breast tissue and all of the excess skin. The chest is then reconstructed along with liposuction and the nipples are replaced as free nipple grafts in the proper position. The postoperative photos show an early result at two weeks showing that even early on the contour has been reestablished. The patient's scar does extend from the chest all the way to the lateral chest wall but it is healing very nicely and should be imperceptible over time. The total amount of tissue removed from both sides of the chest was 8.9 pounds.
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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # GMB-05
- Gender: Male
- Age: 20 - 29
This is a 29-year-old male who comes in for evaluation for symptomatic gynecomastia. The patient had... Read Full Story
This is a 29-year-old male who comes in for evaluation for symptomatic gynecomastia. The patient had a long history of progressively enlarging breast tissue causing him discomfort. The patient underwent bilateral subcutaneous mastectomies for gynecomastia. The results at three months show the significant improvement in the contour of the chest. His surgery was performed by first doing liposuction of the chest and then removing the excess breast tissue itself with a small incision in the inferior aspect of the nipple. The periareolar scar is almost imperceptible at three months and the overall contour of the chest has improved significantly.
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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # GMB06
- Gender: Male
- Age: 43
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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # GMB07 | Gynecomastia Albany, Latham, Saratoga NY
- Gender: Male