Galleries by Procedure:
RhinophymaBefore & After Pictures

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* Individual Results May Vary
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* Individual Results May Vary
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* Individual Results May Vary
Case # RP-04
- Gender: Male
This is a gentleman who presented with difficulty breathing. He was also becoming the source of ridi... Read Full Story
This is a gentleman who presented with difficulty breathing. He was also becoming the source of ridicule for having a condition of the nose that is described as Rhinophyma. It is basically an overgrowth of soft tissue of the nose that is associated with the condition known as acne rosacea with a predilection of occurrence more commonly in men. This gentleman underwent removal of his Rhinophyma and nasal reconstruction with septal cartilage to not only improve his condition but help him breathe. Both were accomplished and he was extremely pleased and he had an overall very good cosmetic result.