Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)Tummy Tuck Surgery in Latham, New York

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Forms of Tummy Tuck Surgery


Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck is the least invasive abdominoplasty procedure we perform.

Dr. Lloreda suggests this procedure for patients with fat deposits below the belly button. The lower abdominal muscles will be tightened, and excess skin is removed through an incision just above the bikini line. Liposuction is used to remove fat and gently contour a flatter stomach.

A mini tummy tuck is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. If patients have more than a small pouch under the belly button, a full abdominoplasty may be recommended.


Full Tummy Tuck

A full abdominoplasty is an outpatient surgical procedure that addresses the entire stomach area, removing fat and excess skin. This operation, sometimes called a power tuck, also tightens loose abdominal muscles. For many people, this is a great choice following weight loss and childbirth.

The incision line will run below underwear but will extend across the entire pelvic bone. During a full tummy tuck, a new belly button will be formed, and any stretch marks below a patient’s current belly button will be removed.


The R.E.A.L. Tummy Tuck & Extended Tummy Tuck

Following weight loss and childbirth, skin elasticity may not return to normal despite diet and exercise. Many patients choose a tummy tuck to achieve a sculpted stomach and find this procedure extremely rewarding.

An extended tummy tuck is usually performed on patients with excess fat and skin in the lower abdomen and lower back, like love handles. The incision will extend from the back of one side of the hips along the bikini line to the other side.

Patients will be able to wear bathing suits without anyone knowing they had a body contouring procedure performed.

One of the tummy tuck procedures available at The Plastic Surgery Center at Williams is the R.E.A.L. tummy tuck which stands for Reconstructive Extended Abdominoplasty with Liposuction. This procedure addresses the entire stomach, upper thighs, hips, and lower back.

In addition to the aspects of an extended tummy tuck, a R.E.A.L. tummy tuck involves Dr. Lloreda performing liposuction to remove excess fat deposits more efficiently, as well as a complete reconstruction of the abdominal wall to restore the core muscles that were separated by weight gain/loss or multiple pregnancies.

If also needed, Dr. Lloreda will perform liposuction to address any fat pockets on the upper abdomen and back.


Floating Abdominoplasty (FAB)

A floating abdominoplasty is a modern, innovative procedure that allows Dr. Lloreda to shape the tummy and tighten the abdominal muscles through a small incision in the lower abdomen and without any incisions around the belly button.

Through this lower abdominal incision, the excess skin is removed and the belly button is detached and elevated from the inside, making it “float” above the muscles. The muscles of the abdomen or rectus muscles can then be shaped and tightened all the way from the sternum to the pubic area.

Very often an endoscopic or special camera is used to help with this repair since the incision in the lower abdomen is so short. The skin of the abdomen is then tightened up and the belly button is reattached from the inside.
Liposuction is also performed during the procedure to further shape and sculpt the abs. The result of the floating abdominoplasty is tight, flat abs, all with a much shorter scar than with a traditional tummy tuck and no telltale scars around the belly button.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is suitable for patients who have experienced significant weight loss or fluctuations. This weight fluctuation could have occurred due to a number of reasons, such as pregnancy and childbirth, changes in diet and physical activity, and/or surgical or non-surgical fat reduction.

Significant weight gain after an abdominoplasty is performed, including those from subsequent pregnancies, could undo some of the results. Because of this, a tummy tuck is best suited for individuals who are at or very close to their healthy goal weight, are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and do not plan to have more pregnancies.

Procedural Steps in a Tummy Tuck

While the specifics of each of these steps may vary from patient to patient depending on what kind of tummy tuck is performed, the procedure typically includes:

  • General Anesthesia: On an outpatient basis
  • Incision: The type, location, and length of incision depends on the type of abdominoplasty performed. The incisions created allow Dr. Lloreda to remove excess skin and fat, and tighten abdominal muscles and remaining skin.
  • Tightening: If the abdominal muscles and the layer of tissue on top of them (known as fascia) are loose or separated, they will be tightened and pulled together.
  • Removal of excess skin: Once Dr. Lloreda has tightened the abdominal wall and fascia, he will pull the skin flat to carefully determine how much excess skin there is. Once this skin is removed, the remaining will be pulled taut and sutured together. Depending on the tummy tuck, the belly button may also be brought to a new position.
  • Liposuction: If there is excess fat to be removed, liposuction may be utilized.

Risks & Recovery from a Tummy Tuck

Results can be seen immediately following surgery, although patients will be swollen temporarily until the body heals properly.

Risks for all above procedures include typical post-surgical side effects, such as bleeding, infection, asymmetry, changes in skin sensations, and unsightly scarring.

Recovery times may vary depending upon the patient*.

The Plastic Surgery Center at Williams recommends the patients stay out of work for about one to two weeks, after which it will be another six weeks until full activities (including exercising and other strenuous activities) may be resumed.

Patients need a responsible adult to stay with them for the first night following surgery because of the aftereffects of anesthesia (which can sometimes make patients nauseated and/or drowsy). Patients may also need help at home during the first few days with dressing and driving.

A compression garment will need to be worn for at least four to six weeks* after the abdominoplasty underneath clothes. Drains will be left in place to collect any drainage from wounds for a week following surgery.

Dr. Lloreda places all the sutures internally, so none will need to be removed. Steri-Strips or tissue glue are applied but will fall off on their own after about two to three weeks*.

Patients return to The Williams Center two to three days after surgery to remove bandages, and once more about one week after surgery to remove drains.


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Contact us now to request a consultation and learn about the cost of tummy tuck surgery in the New York area.  You can reach the Williams Center for Plastic Surgery online or by phone